Incompetent to Stand Trial Diversion and Community-Based Restoration Infrastructure Project
$468.8 million in grant funding for California counties to create more community-based residential treatment homes for diversion and competency restoration.
DSH IST Infrastructure Project Office Hours February 11th
Join AHP for the upcoming IST Infrastructure Project Office Hours.
Join AHP for the upcoming IST Infrastructure Project Office Hours.
What is the purpose of IST Project housing?
The community-based, residential treatment housing serves individuals charged with a felony, deemed IST, and identified by DSH as eligible for diversion or community-based restoration services.
Why are more community-based, residential treatment homes needed?
Additional, suitable facilities that provide access to behavioral health services and diversion and CBR programs means more Californians can be diverted from the criminal justice system or restored to competency.
What are the infrastructure options?
Funds may assist with the costs of construction, acquisition, down payment, or rehabilitation of a residential property, and/or furniture and minor equipment needed for occupancy. Counties and providers may elect to use the housing to serve a mixed population and allocate a certain number of beds to non-DSH-funded participants at their own cost.